Path of Titans Game.ini Configuration

You can locate your game.ini in your Configuration Files


Below you can find all the possible configuration options to customize your server under [/Script/PathOfTitans.IGameSession]:

Line Name: Description:
ServerName=text Here you can put in your server name. Your server name is public and will show up on the in game server list.
MaxPlayers=number Here you put the number of max players that the server can hold. This will also show up in game on the server list. If the limit is over what the game allows, it will default back to the games natural max player limit. Path of Titans currently has a limit of 100 max players.
ServerPassword=text You can use this line to set a password for your server.
ReservedSlots=number Reserved slots allow your server to go over the max player limit of the server for admins or specialized roles that have access to a reserved slot.
bServerAllowChat=true/false Enables or disables the in game chat for the entire server. Defaults to true.
bServerGlobalChat=true/false Enables or Disables global chat in game for the entire server. Defaults to true.
bServerNameTags=true/false Enables or disables the server players to see each others name tags when not in a group. Defaults to false.
bServerWaterQualitySystem=true/false Enables or disables the water quality system. The water quality system is a system that allows water to drain when a player is drinking from it and refilled from rain and/or quests.
bOverrideWaterRegeneration=true/false Enables you to customize the way the water regenerates: How fast, by rain ect... If set to false it will use default game values.
bEnableWaterRegeneration=true/false Sets whether the water with regenerate over time. If set to false, water regeneration quests are a must have on the map you are hosting.
WaterRegenerationRate=number The time in seconds before water applies a regeneration amount. A small value may cause server lag as the water will update too frequently.
WaterRegenerationValue=number Amount of water regenerated every regeneration rate cycle, this varies depending on how big the body of water is.
WaterRainRegenerationIncrement=number Determines how much water is regenerated when it rains.
bServerWaystoneCooldownRemoval=true/false Enables or disables waystones to have a cooldown before they can be used again.
OverrideWaystoneCooldown=number In seconds, customize the cooldown of the waystone.
bOverrideMaxCompleteQuestsInLocation=true/false Enables or disables the ability to edit MaxCompleteQuestsInLocation. Defaults to false.
MaxCompleteQuestsInLocation=number Determines how many quests can be completed in a poi, (named location), till that poi is complete.
bServerFallDamage=true/false Enables or disables fall damage for the entire server.
bPermaDeath=true/false Enables or disables whether or not a dino permanently dies when killed in the server. The deceased character will no longer be playable and will show up as a corpse on the character selection screen.
ServerDiscord=text Connects your discord server to your game server making it possible for players to join the discord from the game server. The text should only contain the end of your discord link:
bServerAutoRestart=true/false Enables or Disables your server to automatically restart.
RestartLengthInSeconds=number Determines the time in seconds it takes for the server to restart.
ServerDeadBodyTime=number Determines how long a body will stay in the server after a player dies.
ServerFootprintLifetime=number Determines the amount of time in seconds dinosaurs footprints will remain.
bServerAllowMinimap=true/false Enables or disables the mini map for the entire server.
bServerAllow3DMapMarkers=true/false Enables or disables whether homecave/waystone markers will appear on the map. Defaults to true.
AllowedCharacters=text Only allows this character to be playable in the server. You must use the dinosaurs game.ini name.
DisallowedCharacters=text Only allows this character to not be playable in the server. You must use the dinosaurs game.ini name.
bServerHomeCaves=true/false Enables or disables home caves.
bServerEditAbilitiesInHomeCaves=true/false Enables or disables players to only edit their abilities in homecaves. Defaults to false.
bServerEditAbilitiesWhileSleeping=true/false Enables or disables whether players can edit abilities only when they sleep. Defaults to false.
bServerHatchlingCaves=true/false Enables or disables the tutorial cave.
bServerHungerThirstInCaves=true/false Enables or disables whether hunger and thirst drains in homecaves.
bServerGrowth=true/false Enables or disables passive growth. Defaults to true. If set to false players will spawn in as an adult.
GlobalPassiveGrowthPerMinute=number Sets the rate that players will grow passively. For a starting point to base your growth around; 0.005 is 3.3hours to grow till players reach adult.
ChangeSubspeciesGrowthPenaltyPercent=number Determines how much growth will be taken off a player when they change subspecies in the character menu.
bServerAllowChangeSubspecies=true/false Enables or disables the ability for players to be able to change their subspecies. Defaults to true.
bServerCombatTimerAppliesToGroup=true/false Enables or disables the combat timer applying to the group when a group member receives dmg from another player.
QuestGrowthMultiplier=number The amount of growth a quest completion gives a player.
QuestMarksMultiplier=number The amount of marks a quest completion gives a player.
bOverrideLocalQuestCooldown=true/false Will allow you to customize the cooldown of a local quest.
LocalQuestCooldown=number The time in seconds it takes for the quest to cooldown.
MaxGroupLeaderCommunicationDistance=number The distance that players will be able to see their group members.
bLoseGrowthPastGrowthStages=true/false Enables or disables the ability for players to loose growth past the growth stage they have reached.
CombatDeathMarksPenaltyPercent=number The percentage of marks that are taken away when a player dies in combat.
CombatDeathGrowthPenaltyPercent=number The percentage of growth that is taken away from a player when they die in combat. 25% (25) is 1 growth stage.
FallDeathMarksPenaltyPercent=number The percentage of marks that are taken away when a player dies from fall dmg.
FallDeathGrowthPenaltyPercent=number The percentage of growth that is taken away from a player when they die from fall dmg. 25% (25) is 1 growth stage.
SurvivalDeathMarksPenaltyPercent=number The percentage of marks that are taken away when a player dies from drowning, starvation or dehydration.
SurvivalDeathGrowthPenaltyPercent=number  The percentage of growth that is taken away from a player when they die from drowning, starvation or dehydration. 25% (25) is 1 growth stage.
AFKDisconnectTime=number Determines the amount of time in seconds before a player is disconnected from the server for being afk. 
MaxClientPingMs=number The maximum number of ping a player can receive before being kicked from the server.
MaxClientPingDuration=number Determines the amount of time in seconds that the players ping can be above the MaxClientPingMs before being disconnected.
HatchlingCaveExitGrowth=number Determines the growth a player will spawn in the game as.
ServerLogoutTime=number Determines the countdown timer for the server logout tab for players to safe log.
bServerAntiRevengeKill=true/false Enables or disables players who are killed to log into another dinosaur within that area for 10 minutes.
RevengeKillDistance=number Determines the distance in meters for the bServerAntiRevengeKill to be applicable.
MaxCharactersPerPlayer=number Determines the max amount of characters a player can have in the server. Recommended amount is 50 as setting this number high can cause lag issues.
MaxCharactersPerSpecies=number Determines the amount of characters of the same species that a player can have within the MaxCharactersPerPlayer limit.
bServerAllowReplayRecording=true/false Enables or disables the in game replay feature to be used. Defaults to false.
bServerCritters=true/false Enables or disables the critter burrows within the server.
ServerMaxCritters=number Determines how many critters can spawn at once in the server. Having this a high number can cause lag.
bServerWaystones=true/false Enables or disables waystones within your server. Defaults to true. If set to false, the waystones will not be visible in the server.
bServerHomecaveCampingDebuff=true/false Enables or disables the debuff players get when being around a homecave for too long.
bOverrideHomecaveCampingDistance=true/false Enables or disables the ability to edit the distance that the homecave debuff applies
HomecaveCampingDistance=number The distance that the homecave debuff applies.
bTrophyQuests=true/false Enables or disables the ability for trophie deliveries to be a quest.
bOverrideTrophyQuestCooldown=true/false Enables or disables the ability to edit the cooldown of a trophy quest.
TrophyQuestCooldown=number The time in seconds that the trophy quest cooldown applies.
MaxGroupQuests=number Sets the number of quests a group can have.
bEnforceWhitelist=true/false Enables or disables the server whitelist.
DefaultCreatorModeSave=text Saves the creator mode you have saved permanently to the server.
ServerMap=text Determines the map your server will be on.
ServerAdmins=AGID Allows admins. These admins have access to all server commands.


Below you can find all the possible configuration options to customize your server under [/Script/PathOfTitans.IGameMode]:

Line Name: Description:
ServerStartingTime=number Determines the time of day the server begins at after restart.
bServerRestrictCarnivoreGrouping=true/false Enables or disables carnivores ability to mixpack.
bServerRestrictHerbivoreGrouping=true/false Enables or disables herbivores ability to mixpack.
ServerDayLength=number Determines the length of the day in the server in minutes.
ServerNightLength=number Determines the length of the night in the server in minutes.
MaxGroupSize=number Determines the number of slots available for groups to have (size of the group).
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